
A NV4Y Program for teens in North Fair Oaks.

  • Learn.

    Students learn about the digital divide by interviewing and surveying parents, school personnel, and agency staff.

    Students will also learn about filmmaking by working with experienced teachers on how to plan, film, and edit videos.

  • Create.

    Students staff a Help Desk for parents to answer questions about how to work with computers.

    Students create aids for parents to use when they need help remembering how to work online.

  • Change.

    Students learn more about how to learn by interviewing and surveying. Students learn more about what parents need.

    Students learn how to tell stories in video. Students

    make a video about the change they have created.


Watch Our Short Film!

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¡Conectémonos! participants want to help parents get online. They find out:

  • What parents need to know.

  • What parents don’t know.

  • What’ll help them learn.

Let’s Connect!

Your perspective and your story matter.

We want to hear from you.

If you are interested in sharing your perspective through a story, an interview, or even a conversation with our students, please reach out to us. We look forward to hearing from you!
(650) 701-3901